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» Logement 4 1/2 à louer Montréal
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime15/06/23, 04:58 am par april_family

» Parrainage 2023?
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime20/03/23, 02:36 am par medamine5

» Qui a commencé la procédure EXPRESS ENTRY ?
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime05/10/22, 02:57 am par hhicham

» procédure de parrainage au québec ( exterieur )
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime09/03/22, 08:46 pm par sam

» Diplome Privé et procedure de permis de travail
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime26/02/22, 04:03 pm par root

» Livre de citoyenneté
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime13/01/22, 01:53 am par kamal1982

» Opticiens recherchés
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime11/11/21, 04:16 pm par AZUL

» Immigrer : un voyage initiatique à la rencontre des autres et de soi
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime01/11/21, 03:15 pm par hio

» Permis detude
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime30/10/21, 01:21 am par yeya

» Envois demande de CSQ REMPLI au ŕepondant.
entretien d'embauche I_icon_minitime14/10/21, 11:08 pm par sam


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entretien d'embauche Empty entretien d'embauche

Message par nassim 09/07/07, 01:21 pm

Les 40 questions-pièges du recruteur... et les 40 façons de les détourner !
1. Parlez-moi de vous
Répondez brièvement en distinguant votre vie familiale, votre formation, votre expérience professionnelle et ce que vous avez fait ces dernières années. Évitez tout ce qui ne concerne pas directement votre cas (études des frères et soeurs, etc...).

2. Quels sont vos points forts ?
Parlez de 2 ou 3 points utiles pour la fonction proposée. Attention, pour être crédible, il faut pouvoir prouver ce que vous avancez. Sinon, vous prenez le risque de passer pour un "baratineur". Par exemple, si vous voulez montrer que vous êtes bon vendeur, expliquez-le avec des exemples chiffrés.

3. Décrivez votre personnalité ?
Mettez en avant les aspects équilibrés, adaptables et humain de votre personnalité. Rappelez vos traits dominants. Soyez vous même !

4. Quelle est votre situation de famille ?
Cette question peut être considérée comme embarrassante surtout si vous êtes une femme, ou si vous venez de vous séparer. Sachez que le contenu de votre réponse intéresse bien moins le recruteur. que la façon dont vous vous comportez. Car ce qu'il cherche, c'est à vous déstabiliser. A ce type de question, opposez le calme comme s'il s'agissait d'une provocation.

5. Quels sont vos hobbies?
Citez ceux qui montrent votre dynamisme. Evitez les énumérations excessives, votre interlocuteur ne pourra pas tout retenir.

6. Que lisez-vous ?
Sauf si vous ne lisez jamais, indiquez quelques revues et périodiques proches du secteur économique de l'entreprise qui vous reçoit et donnez un choix de livres de genres différents de qualité.

7. Pourquoi voulez-vous travailler
dans notre entreprise?

Si vous avez entendu dire qu'il y avait des avantages sociaux au sein de l'entreprise, surtout n'en parlez pas. Cela donnerait l'impression que vous cherchez à profiter de la société sans vouloir lui apporter grand chose. Avant tout, présentez vos motivations par rapport au poste.

8. Qu'est-ce qui vous attire
chez nous ?
Montrez que vous avez recueilli des informations sur le projet et le type de management de l'entreprise et que vous adhérez à ses choix. Soyez motivé et enthousiaste !

9. Pour quel type de poste êtes vous fait ?
Répondez en fonction de votre objectif et du poste proposé. Soyez-vous même, ne composez pas un personnage que vous n'êtes pas, mais essayez de vous adapter aux attentes de votre interlocuteur.

10. Qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse
le plus, et le moins
dans le poste proposé ?
Donnez trois ou quatre facteurs qui vous motivent particulièrement et limitez les éléments qui ne vous passionnent guère.

11. Donnez-moi votre
définition du poste ?

Distinguez les activités qui le composent, les fonctions qui les animent et la mission qui est d'atteindre un objectif.

12. Que souhaitez-vous
trouver dans ce poste
que vous n'aviez pas avant ?
Répondez que vous recherchez plus de responsabilité, d'autonomie, avec des objectifs mieux définis et plus ambitieux. Mais ne vous montrez pas amer en évoquant votre dernier poste.

13. Quelle est votre stratégie pour développer le poste ?
Montrez que vous êtes ambitieux, mais aussi que vous êtes patient. Expliquez que votre premier objectif est de réussir la mission qui vous est confiée et de participer au développement du service.

14. Que pouvez-vous
nous apporter ?
Rapportez-vous au poste présenté par votre interlocuteur et indiquez vos expériences réussies semblables à celles qui vous seront confiées dans la nouvelle entreprise.

15. Quelles sont vos prétentions ?
Rappelez les différentes composantes d'une rémunération, montrez que vous êtes respectueux de la grille des rémunérations de chaque entreprise et qu'en conséquence, vous préférez obtenir plus d'informations sur le sujet avant de faire une proposition. Avancez avec prudence mais ne vous bradez pas.

16. Quelle rémunération correspondrait au poste
qui vous est proposé ?
Demandez quelle est la fourchette dans des postes similaires de la société. Si vous n'avez pas de réponse, donnez une fourchette sous réserve d'en savoir davantage sur la nature et les responsabilités du poste que l'on vous propose.

17. Pourquoi voulez-vous
changer d'entreprise ?
Plutôt que de parler négativement de votre ancienne entreprise, dites que vous recherchez un "plus". Que c'est un souci d'évolution professionnelle qui vous motive.

18. Avez-vous d'autres propositions en cours ?
Dites que vous êtes sur d'autres pistes intéressantes mais que le poste proposé correspond tout à fait à ce que vous recherchez. Précisez que vous souhaitez être fixé rapidement pour être libre vis-à-vis des autres contacts.

19. Que pensez vous
de votre dernier patron ?
Attention, cette question peut être un piège. Même si vous êtes parti en mauvais termes avec votre ancien patron, essayez de tirer un bilan positif de votre dernier poste.

20. Que retenez vous
de votre dernière société ?
Même si vous êtes parti avec des différents vis-à-vis de votre employeur, tirez un bilan positif. Expliquez ce que vous y avez appris et réalisé. Présentez les dossiers que vous avez traités qui vous ont permis d'affirmer votre personnalité et développer votre potentiel. Soyez clair et synthétique.

21. Quelle était
votre responsabilité ?
Donnez des chiffres, des effectifs, un budget, un nombre de points de vente, le cas échéant, les variations obtenues par votre gestion. Dans tous les cas, présentez des éléments concrets.

22. Avez-vous effectué
des voyages à l'étranger ?
Évitez de répondre que vos voyages à l'étranger vous ont permis de vous familiariser avec des modes de vie et des paysages différents. Cette réponse est banale. En effet, 90% des candidats répondent à peu près la même chose ! Faites une réponse plus personnelle. Si vous n'avez rien à dire, ne parlez pas de vos voyages.

23. Savez-vous diriger
une équipe ?
Attention, c'est une question piège. Si vous devez avoir un poste d'encadrement, parlez de vos expériences réussies, de votre engagement personnel, de votre souplesse et de votre capacité à mobiliser vos collaborateurs pour atteindre un objectif.

24. Si vous deviez recruter vos collaborateurs, que rechercheriez vous en eux ?
Vous pouvez répondre qu'après avoir vérifié leurs compétences techniques, vous rechercheriez leurs capacités d'initiative, d'adaptabilité et leur sens de l'équipe.
25. Comment voyez vous l'évolution de notre profession ?
Montrez que vous y avez réfléchi et que vous croyez en son avenir, ses marchés, sa mutation et ses projets Vous pouvez avancer quelques idées personnelles sur les événements récents de la profession (ouverture sur l'Europe...). Quelle que soit la question posée, prenez toujours votre temps avant de répondre !

26. Quels seraient le poste
et la société de votre choix ?

Indiquez en quoi le poste proposé et la société qui vous a convoqué répondent parfaitement à vos souhaits. Vous pouvez par exemple, parler du produit, dire pourquoi il vous intéresse.

27. Continuez-vous à vous former ?
Si vous ne suivez pas de cours ou de stages, dites que vous lisez des publications professionnelles régulièrement pour vous tenir à jour ou indiquez qu'il vous serait facile de reprendre une formation.

28. Quels ont été vos échecs ?
Ne soyez pas prétentieux. Savoir parler de ses échecs est un point positif. Montrez que vous avez su les analyser pour repartir du bon pied.

29. Quels sont les obstacles que vous avez rencontrés dans vos missions ?
Indiquez une difficulté objective inhérente à la nature de votre mission et expliquez comment vous l'avez surmontée.

30. Pourquoi avez-vous du chercher aussi longtemps ?
Cette question peut vous être posée si vous cherchez déjà depuis plusieurs mois. Ne vous laissez pas désarçonner. Répondez que vous avez commencé votre recherche activement dès que vous avez analysé le marché, ses besoins. Vous pouvez ajouter qu'aujourd'hui, le délai minimum pour trouver un emploi est de trois mois.

31. Quels sont vos sentiments actuels sur votre évolution professionnelle ?
Le recruteur cherche à évaluer la qualité de l'expérience que vous avez acquise. Soyez positif et évitez de donner l'impression que vous avez déjà donné dans le passé le meilleur de vous même. Vous pouvez dire que chaque jour qui passe est pour vous l'occasion de donner le meilleur de vous même et que l'entreprise concernée vous semble offrir un environnement dans lequel vous serez à l'aise.

32. Quel intérêt ai-je à vous embaucher ?
C'est une question piège, car elle déroute. Évitez de répondre : "Vous n'avez pas de meilleur candidat à ce poste". Le mieux est de donner une réponse courte et précise. Remémorez-vous la description du poste faite par l'interviewer et faites correspondre point par point vos compétences. Vous pouvez répondre pour conclure: "Je pense remplir pleinement toutes les conditions. Je crois être un bon candidat pour ce poste".

33. Combien d'heures de travail pensez-vous que ce poste demande ?
Soyez prudent ! Si vous annoncez 60 heures, vous risquez de devoir les faire pour tenir parole. Si vous annoncez 39 heures, le recruteur risque de penser que vous travaillez comme un fonctionnaire. Vous pouvez donner une échelle de 40 à 50 heures. Au-delà, vous pouvez redéfinir le poste.

34. Combien de temps comptez-vous travailler pour l'entreprise ?
C'est une question délicate. Vous pouvez dire que vous cherchez la stabilité et que vous êtes prêt à progresser. Si ces critères sont respectés, vous ne voyez aucune raison d'aller voir ailleurs.

35. Retourneriez-vous chez votre ancien employeur ?
Dites que vous en avez tiré une expérience riche, mais que vous souhaitez faire évoluer votre carrière. Expliquez votre démarche de façon très positive.

36. Êtes-vous prêt
à déménager ?
Cette question sert souvent de test au recruteur. Cela lui permet de connaître votre motivation. Vous pouvez répondre que vous déménagerez s'il existe une réelle opportunité pour votre carrière.

37. Avez-vous déjà fait
ce type de travail ?
Évitez de répondre non, car vous perdriez l'attention du recruteur Répondez donc positivement puis enchaînez sur les qualités qui sont nécessaires pour accomplir ce travail et montrez que ce sont celles dont vous avez pu faire la preuve dans votre emploi précédent.
38. Ne pensez-vous pas
avoir trop d'expérience
pour ce poste ?
Rappelez que, souvent, les entreprises se plaignent du manque d'expérience. Ajoutez que vous pourrez être opérationnel plus vite et que votre expérience profitera aussi à ceux qui travailleront avec vous.

39. Préférez-vous travailler seul ou en groupe ?
Dites que l'isolement vous convient pour réfléchir, résoudre un problème, faire certains choix, mais que travailler en équipe est nécessaire en revanche pour analyser des résultats, pour évaluer des projets.

40. Avez-vous quelque chose
à ajouter à la fin
de cet entretien ?
Évitez de répondre "non" sans aller plus loin. Cela montrerait votre manque de répartie. Vous n'aurez pas profité de l'occasion qui vous était offerte de communiquer des informations, en demander de nouvelles sur le postes et terminer en beauté


Masculin Nombre de messages : 359
Age : 45
Résidence : rabat
Emploi : charge de clientele
Statut : visa obtenu
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par kingstar76 09/07/07, 03:18 pm

merci pour les efforts. c'est très interssant.


Masculin Nombre de messages : 309
Age : 48
Résidence : Maroc
Statut : attentiste de la brune
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2007

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par Rachel 09/07/07, 07:23 pm

De bons conseils, nassim. Merci.

A bon entendeur !


Féminin Nombre de messages : 3463
Age : 49
Résidence : Casablanca
Emploi : RRH
Statut : Visaiste
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2006

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entretien d'embauche Empty entretien d'embauche

Message par emy 09/07/07, 08:13 pm

c'est intéressant.
merci nassim.

Féminin Nombre de messages : 1138
Age : 50
Résidence : casablanca
Statut : Visa reçu le 20/05
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2006

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par alahcen2001 09/07/07, 08:14 pm

merci nassim

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1984
Age : 56
Résidence : montreal
Statut : resident permanent
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2006

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par popovich 09/07/07, 08:18 pm

merci bcp khouya nassim, c'est vraiment tres interessant

Masculin Nombre de messages : 408
Age : 47
Résidence : Toronto
Statut : Ontario
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2007

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Message par leprince 09/07/07, 10:36 pm

merci nassim

Masculin Nombre de messages : 4279
Age : 45
Résidence : Montréal
Emploi : concepteur
Statut : installé
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par lion69 10/07/07, 01:27 pm

merci nassim

ce message je l'ai trouvé trés interessent
il ressemble a un cour de management

encore merci mon ami


Masculin Nombre de messages : 494
Age : 54
Résidence : temara
Emploi : en formation de cycle superieur de l'Ena
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2007

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Message par makassab 10/07/07, 04:17 pm


Féminin Nombre de messages : 151
Age : 47
Résidence : quebec
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2006

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par nassim 10/07/07, 06:34 pm

de rien les amis ,tout le plaisir est pour moi
Voir ici aussi, le coin de l'entrevue du site Monster :


Masculin Nombre de messages : 359
Age : 45
Résidence : rabat
Emploi : charge de clientele
Statut : visa obtenu
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par nassim 10/07/07, 08:32 pm


* Why are you looking for this type of job?
* Why are you interested in our company?
* Why did you come to Canada?
* What are your objectives in this job?
* Briefly, would you summarize your work history & education for me?

* What special aspects of your work experience (including volunteer positions) have prepared you for this job?
* Can you describe for me one or two of your most important accomplishments?
* How much supervision have you typically received in your previous job?
* Describe for me one or two of the biggest disappointments in your work history?
* Everyone has strengths & weaknesses as workers. What are your strong points for this position?
* What would you say are areas that may need improvement? (Weaknesses)
* How did your supervisor or teacher evaluate your job/class performance? What were some of the good points & bad points of that rating?
* When you have been told, or discovered for yourself, a problem in your job performance, what have you typically done? Can you give me an example?
* Do you prefer working alone or in groups?
* What kind of people do you find it most difficult to work with? Why?
* Starting with your last job, tell me about any of your achievements that were recognized by your superiors.
* Can you give me an example of your ability to manage or supervise others?
* What are some things you would like to avoid in a job? Why?
* In your previous job what kind of pressures did you encounter?
* What are some of the things on your job you feel you have done particularly well or in which you have achieved the greatest success? Why do you feel this way?
* Do you consider your progress on the job representative of your ability? Why?
* How do you feel about the way you & others in the department were managed by your supervisor? If I were to ask your present (most recent) employer about your ability as a____________________, what would he/she say?

* Why did you choose to study your specific topic in university/college?
* Do you feel that this area is different in Canada than in your country?
* How many years did you study and what is the equivalent Canadian degree?
* Did you give presentations during your university/college?
* Did you have to use any computer programs frequently at college/university? Which ones?
* What special aspects of your education or training have prepared you for this job?
* What courses in school have been of most help in doing your job?
* What is your long-term employment or career objective?
* What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
* What do you feel you need to develop in terms of skill & knowledge in order to be that opportunity?
* Why might you be successful in such a job?
* How does this job fit in with your overall career goals?
* Who or what in your life would you say influenced you most with your career objectives?
* What would you most like to accomplish if you had this job?
* Can you give me examples of experience on the job or at school that you felt were satisfying?
* Describe how you determine what constitutes top priorities in the performance of your job.
* What has been the most important person or event in your own self-development?
* How much of your education did you earn?
* What kind of books & other publications do you read?
* Have you taken a management development course?
* How are you helping your coworkers/classmates/subordinates develop themselves?

4. PERSONAL-ATTRIBUTES (Self-assessment, Range of interests)
* What kind of things do you feel most confident in doing?
* Can you describe for me a difficult obstacle you have had to overcome? How did you handle it?
* How do you feel this experience affected your personality or ability?
* How would you describe yourself as a person?
* What do you think are the most important characteristics & abilities a person must possess to become a successful? How do you rate yourself in these areas?
* What do you consider to be your greatest achievements to date? Why?
* What things give you the greatest satisfaction at work?
* What things frustrate you the most? How do you usually cope with them?
* Do you belong to any clubs, associations, or groups?
* What do you like to do in your spare time?
* Tell me specifically what you do in the civic activities in which you participate. (Leading questions in selected areas. i.e. sports, economics, current events, finance.)

5. SOFT SKILLS (Creativity, Leadership, Decision Making, Flexibility, Stress &Tolerance, Communication &Conflict Resolution)
* In your work experience, what have you done that you consider truly creative?
* Of your creative accomplishments big or small, at work or home, what gave you the most satisfaction?
* What kind of problems have people recently called on you to solve? Tell me what you have devised.
* Do you consider yourself to be thoughtful, analytical or do you usually make up your mind fast?
Give an example. (Watch time taken to respond)
* What was your most difficult decision in the last six months? What made it difficult?
* How do you go about making an important decision affecting your career?
* What was the last major problem that you were confronted with? What action did you take on it?
* What are your standards of success in your job?
* In your position, how would you define doing a good job? On what basis was your definition determined?
* When judging the performance of a subordinate or teammate, what factors or characteristics are most important to you?
* In your present job or school what approach do you take to get your people together to establish a common approach to a problem?
* What approach do you take in getting your people to accept your ideas or goals?
* What specifically do you do to set an example for your coworkers/employees?
* How frequently do you meet with your immediate subordinates/coworkers as a group?
* How do you get people who do not want to work together to establish a common approach to a problem?
* If you do not have much time & they hold seriously differing views, what would be your approach?
* Do you feel you work more effectively on a one to one basis or in a group situation?
* Have you ever led a task force or committee or any group who doesn't report to you, but from whom you have to get work? How did you do it? What were the satisfactions & disappointments?
* How would you handle the job differently?
* Have you ever done any public or group speaking? Recently? Why? How did it go?
* Have you made any individual presentations recently? How did you prepare?
* Would you rather write a report or give a verbal report? Why?
* What kind of writing have you done? For a group? For an individual?
* What is the extent of your participation in major reports that have to be written?
* What was the most important idea or suggestion you received recently from your co-workers?
* What happened as a result?
* What do you think about the continuous changes in company operating policies & procedures?
* How effective has your company been in adapting its policies to fit a changing environment?
* What was the most significant change made in your company in the last six months, which directly affected you, & how successfully do you think you implemented this change?
* Do you feel pressure in your job/life/at school? Tell me about it.
* What has been the highest pressure-situation you have been under in recent years? How did you cope with it?

* Looking at your resume, what do you think your weaknesses are regarding this position?
* Would your previous boss describe you as the type of person who “goes the extra mile”?
* What new skills or ideas do you bring to this position that our present employees don’t offer?
* Why did you choose this particular career path?
* What do you really want from your next position and the next company you work for?
* Tell me about a special contribution you made to your employer.
* Give me an example of how you can help my company?
* Where do you want to be in five years?
* Give me an example of your determination.
* Tell me about your relationship with your previous bosses.

* Can you tell me something about the projects your company is currently working on? (You could mention a specific project that you saw on their website)
* Who are your customers/clients?
* Where is the company going? Upwards? Expansion plans?
* What will be my working hours?
* Do you want me to get some more information on any specific topic prior to the start of my job?
Ideally, questions will be part of the interview – which means that the interview is going to be a “negotiation”.

Never leave an interview without shaking the interviewer’s hand, saying “thank you”, “it was nice to meet you”, “have a great day”,…


* Whatever question comes up: show a positive attitude!!!
Example: If the interviewer asks you: “Can you fly?”
To answer in a positive way you respond: “No, but I’m willing to try!”
* Use of pauses: If you need some more time to think about what you’re going to answer, repeat the question (indirectly) to make sure you understood what the interviewer asked you. It is important to acknowledge the interviewer.
* Know yourself!!! Whatever the interviewer asks you - you have to make sure that you know what you really want. You are the “expert” on the subject of ‘You’.
* Make sure you have prepared some questions for the company! By this, you can prove your language skills and show your interest in the company. Practice out loud! However it is also critical to ask questions relevant to what is being discussed in the interview.
* Dress extremely well! This is the first impression the company gets from you! It’s better to be overdressed than too casual.
* Make sure to behave professionally! This is one of the most important things you have to remember, in your interview! The company wants to be sure that you can undertake responsibilities on their behalf.
* Know your strengths! Most interviewers are interested in your strengths to make sure that you fit in the position. So be prepared to mention at least three of your strengths to convince them of your capabilities.
* Make sure you know something about the company and give compliments! We are going to provide you with as much information as possible about the company and you have to show them your knowledge about their company and industry sector. Make sure that you know what you’re talking about! By giving compliments you can win their trust by touching their “inner core”…
* If you don’t understand a question - ASK!!! Rather than giving the impression you understand everything they are telling you, use the pauses and feel free to ask if you are not sure about something or repeat the question back to them.
Please don’t forget that an interview is a way of getting to know each other! You would like to do your job in a nice work environment and the company would like to host somebody who fits in their team. Don’t be too shy or formal and make sure you respond to “small talk questions”!


Masculin Nombre de messages : 359
Age : 45
Résidence : rabat
Emploi : charge de clientele
Statut : visa obtenu
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par lion69 11/07/07, 12:20 pm

merci mon cher nassim pour l'effort
c'est interessent


Masculin Nombre de messages : 494
Age : 54
Résidence : temara
Emploi : en formation de cycle superieur de l'Ena
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2007

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par kabi 11/07/07, 01:16 pm

Thanks a lot nassim..

Like the other post , could you give a hint about the answers of all those questions Wink ?

hope you could .


Masculin Nombre de messages : 3192
Age : 52
Résidence : New-Brunswick
Statut : Citoyen canadien
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par lion69 11/07/07, 01:40 pm

good idea mr kabi

give us a answers will be a good things mr nassim

i beleive that will help our freind whom look for job wich demand englich language



Masculin Nombre de messages : 494
Age : 54
Résidence : temara
Emploi : en formation de cycle superieur de l'Ena
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2007

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par nassim 11/07/07, 02:02 pm

i agree with you mr kabi and lion69 that getting answers all of these questions will be wonderful and beneficial for all of us
let me say that i'm not really fluent in english
i have a good ability to communicate in english like most of you.
getting answers of all these questions will be certainly great
so let's help one another to achieve that objectif
it's not imposible
to my mind ,with the cooperation of everybody ,i'm certain we will find answers of all these questions
i hope so


Masculin Nombre de messages : 359
Age : 45
Résidence : rabat
Emploi : charge de clientele
Statut : visa obtenu
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par kabi 11/07/07, 02:18 pm

"to my mind ,with the cooperation of everybody ,i'm certain we will find answers of all these questions"

That's right.

I will work that out and give my personal touch as I can !! Smile


Masculin Nombre de messages : 3192
Age : 52
Résidence : New-Brunswick
Statut : Citoyen canadien
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par nassim 13/07/07, 06:26 pm

What would you do if you had to deal with an angry customer?
Basically the answer is to empathise, understand, and as quickly as possible obtain the customer's trust in your promise to try to resolve the matter. And then set about finding the facts and resolving it, working within whatever policies and processes are in place for the particular problem. The important thing is to remember the difference between understanding and agreeing - you need to understand without necessarily agreeing or pre-judging the outcome . And you need to apologise without pre-judging whatever investigation you need to do or arrange. Finally, take responsibility for seeing the issue through to the finish, when at the end of it hopefully the customer is more delighted than they have ever been, (which is often what happens when you do things properly).

What will you bring to the job/company if we employ you?
"I can see clearly that quick results are a priority - and that's something I'm good at generating, because I have good abilities and experience to interpret situations, and then a strong focus on activities which will achieve change and results in the necessary areas."

"I'm diplomatic with people too, which means I can generally bring people along with me; if needs be though I can be firm and determined enough to convince people who need a bit of extra encouragement."

Tell me about the culture at your last company/employer.
"The culture encouraged people to develop, grow, take responsibility. People were coached and mentored towards quality and productive effort. All of this helped me a great deal
Can you describe your long-range goals and objectives?

My primary objectives are to learn as much as possible about your company's product offering, organizational structure, and professional sales techniques so that I may become the most productive member of your sales team.

What do you want to be doing in 2/5/10 years time?


Where do you want to be in 2/5/10 years time?

Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become the very best _____ your company has. I would like to become the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in the long term.

"Making a more significant contribution to whatever organisation I'm working for. To have developed new skills, abilities, maturity - perhaps a little wisdom even. To have become better qualified in whatever way suits the situation and opportunities I have. To be better regarded by my peers, and respected by my superiors as someone who can continue to increase the value and scale of what I do for the organisation."

"I'd like more responsibility, because that's a result of personal growth and progression, and it's important for my personal satisfaction."

"I have no set aspirations about money and reward - if I contribute and add value to the organisation then generally increased reward follows - you get out what you put in."

"Long term I want to make the most of my abilities - if possible to build a serious career, but in this day and age nothing is certain or guaranteed; things can change. I'll do my best and believe that opportunities will arise which will enable me to keep contributing, increasing my worth, and developing my ability in a way that benefits the organisation and me."

What is your ideal job?
'I'd like to become an expert in my field (state function if relevant), where I'm able to use my skills and abilities to make a real difference to the company's performance.'

How do you plan and organise your work?
Planning and writing a plan is very important. I think how best to do things before I do them. I always prioritise, I manage my time, and I understand the difference between urgent and important. For very complex projects I'd produce quite a detailed schedule and plan review stages. I even plan time-slots for activities that aren't in themselves organised, like thinking time, and being creative, solving problems, etc.

Do you make mistakes?
Be honest. Yes of course on occasions, but I obviously try not to, and I always try to correct them and learn from them.

(Follow above question with) - Can you share your mistakes with others?

Absolutely I can - I get the guidance I need, and it may help prevent others from making the same mistake.

How to do measure your own effectiveness?
By the results that I achieve, and that I achieve them in the most positive way. If there isn't an existing measure of this I'll usually create one.

How do you like to be managed ?
Be truthful, but express positively. I'm generally very adaptable to most management styles. In the past I've helped my bosses get the best out of me by talking to them and developing a really good understanding. I work best when I'm given freedom and responsibility to take some of the load off my boss's shoulders - they have enough to deal with.

Why should we appoint you?
You have a choice : you can either go for it strongly, re-stating your relevant strengths - behaviour, experience and skills, or you can quietly confidently suggest: I don't know the other applicants, so it would be wrong for me to dismiss their claims. However, I am sure that I have all the main attributes the role requires, which, combined with determination and positive approach, should ensure that I'd be a very good choice.
“You should hire me because I’m the best person for the job. I realize that there are likely other candidates who also have the ability to do this job. Yet I bring an additional quality that makes me the best person for the job--my passion for excellence. For example . . .”

What can you do for us that other people cannot?
I don't know the other applicants, but generally I excel at . . .

What makes you mad?
Nothing really makes me mad - it's not a good way to deal with anything. Certain things disappoint or upset me - rudeness, arrogance, spitefulness

weakness and failure questions
"I don't generally fail", or
"I almost always succeed because plan and manage accordingly. If something's not going right I'll change it until it works. The important thing is to put the necessary checks and contingencies in place that enable me to see if things aren't going to plan, and to make changes when and if necessary....."
"There are some things I'm not so good at, but I'd never say these are weaknesses as such - a weakness is a vulnerability, and I don't consider myself vulnerable. If there's something I can't do or don't know, then I find someone who can do it or does know."
What do you think the employee’s responsibilities are to the company?
As an employee you have several responsibilities to your employer. They are as follows: to perform a good day’s work to be loyal to act as part of the team to value the relationship to earn the employer’s trust to grow with a passion for the product/service.
How do you handle conflict?
On the job, there are many possible sources of conflict. I know everything cannot run smoothly at work all the time. When there is a conflict I usually try to determine the source of the problem and see if it can be solved. This might involve other members of the work team discussing the problem and offering possible solutions. I would then try to pick the solution which appears to have the best outcome and put it into action.

"Why are you the best person for this job?"

"I've got extensive experience in [name the appropriate field] and have the specific skills you are looking for. I'm a fast learner who adapts quickly to change and will hit the ground running. I'm dedicated and enthusiastic about helping your company meet its goals, and will provide top-quality results with minimal oversite. I'm an outstanding performer who takes pride in my work. You won't have any regrets when you hire me."
What is your greatest strength?"

*My greatest strength is my flexibility. I have learned that work conditions change from day to day and throughout the day, as well, no matter where I have worked in the past. I also have realized that certain projects require individual attention and others involve a teamwork approach. These are just a few examples of the changes that happen in my field.
*I'm good at organizational skills, prioritization and time management. But my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines
How would you describe yourself?

My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at _________ University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.
What influenced you to choose this career?

My past experiences have shown me that I enjoy facing and overcoming the challenge of making a sale. Without a doubt, once I have practiced my presentation and prepared myself for objections, I feel very confident approaching people I don't know and convincing them that they need my product. Lastly, I like sales because my potential for success is limited only by how much of myself I dedicate toward my goal. If any profession is founded on self-determinism, it surely must be sales

How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?

I believe I am quite good at handling conflict. Working in retail and in the residence halls required that I make many unpopular decisions at times, whether it was terminating an associate or taking judicial action on a resident. Often the person in conflict with me would be upset and sometimes physically outraged. I would always make sure that I fully explained the situation, the policies behind my decision, and why those policies exist. Usually by the end of the conversation, the person could see the other side of the situation.
What plans do you have for continued study? An advanced degree?

I plan to continue my education for the rest of my life. In any technology-related field, keeping up to date through continuing education is of the utmost importance. Continuing education can include on-the-job training,
What level of compensation would it take to make you happy?

I am not depending on money to make me happy. What makes me happy is having a satisfying job that provides challenge and new situations daily.

By providing examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and environments.

I've shown my ability to adapt by successfully working in several very different jobs. For example, I ..
What kind of supervisor do you work best for?

I like to work for a supervisor who allows me the autonomy to perform my job to the best of my abilities. I also like constructive criticism and feedback so I can improve myself and the organization. One example was

10 Steps to a Successful Interview :

Arrive on time.
Introduce yourself in a courteous manner.
Read company materials while you wait.
Have a firm handshake.
Use body language to show interest.
Smile, nod, give nonverbal feedback to the interviewer.
Ask about the next step in the process.
Thank the interviewer.
Write a thank-you letter to anyone you have spoken to.


Masculin Nombre de messages : 359
Age : 45
Résidence : rabat
Emploi : charge de clientele
Statut : visa obtenu
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par nassim 20/08/07, 10:55 pm

How Do You Handle Stress / Pressure?
Stress is very important to me. With stress, I do the best possible job. The appropriate way to deal with stress is to make sure I have the correct balance between good stress and bad stress. I need good stress to stay motivated and productive.

I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.
From a personal perspective, I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening. It's a great stress reducer.


Masculin Nombre de messages : 359
Age : 45
Résidence : rabat
Emploi : charge de clientele
Statut : visa obtenu
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

Message par nassim 20/08/07, 11:02 pm

What Motivates You?

I've always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I'm in
I want to excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer.
I have always wanted to ensure that my company's clients get the best customer service I can provide. I've always felt that it's important, both to me personally, and for the company and the clients, to provide a positive customer experience.


Masculin Nombre de messages : 359
Age : 45
Résidence : rabat
Emploi : charge de clientele
Statut : visa obtenu
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2005

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entretien d'embauche Empty Re: entretien d'embauche

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