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» Logement 4 1/2 à louer Montréal
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime15/06/23, 04:58 am par april_family

» Parrainage 2023?
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime20/03/23, 02:36 am par medamine5

» Qui a commencé la procédure EXPRESS ENTRY ?
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime05/10/22, 02:57 am par hhicham

» procédure de parrainage au québec ( exterieur )
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime09/03/22, 08:46 pm par sam

» Diplome Privé et procedure de permis de travail
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime26/02/22, 04:03 pm par root

» Livre de citoyenneté
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime13/01/22, 01:53 am par kamal1982

» Opticiens recherchés
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime11/11/21, 04:16 pm par AZUL

» Immigrer : un voyage initiatique à la rencontre des autres et de soi
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime01/11/21, 03:15 pm par hio

» Permis detude
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime30/10/21, 01:21 am par yeya

» Envois demande de CSQ REMPLI au ŕepondant.
Suggestion to web admins I_icon_minitime14/10/21, 11:08 pm par sam


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Suggestion to web admins

4 participants

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Suggestion to web admins Empty Suggestion to web admins

Message par dosario 22/02/09, 12:34 pm

i'd perosnally greet you for the valuable services the web site provides, and i think i have a suggestion that aims to tremendously improve the availability and effeciency of exchanged informations in a variety of fields that members are interested in, therefor i'd say that adding a public chat room is a way better to achieve tha goal and ease the possibility of getting acess to informations that viewrs would like to know about especially those interstested in instante messaging,consequently it might strengthen the ties between members of the community and increase the amount of membership .
other sugesstion is better reference the web site on the browsers so that poeple would hit on the name at the A list of every browser,abviously other related web sites are better appearing on the first pages of the browsers once ever the surfer on the net types a keyword exemple:(immigration+canada+maroc....)
and i personally think these web sites are way less valuable than ERABLESATLAS which
occures better updates and fresh information .

i'd gladly like to contribute if needed
wallah mou3in


Masculin Nombre de messages : 8
Age : 49
Résidence : Agadir
Emploi : Self owned
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2008

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Suggestion to web admins Empty Re: Suggestion to web admins

Message par marrokino 22/02/09, 03:13 pm

dosario a écrit:i'd perosnally greet you for the valuable services the web site provides, and i think i have a suggestion that aims to tremendously improve the availability and effeciency of exchanged informations in a variety of fields that members are interested in, therefor i'd say that adding a public chat room is a way better to achieve tha goal and ease the possibility of getting acess to informations that viewrs would like to know about especially those interstested in instante messaging,consequently it might strengthen the ties between members of the community and increase the amount of membership .
other sugesstion is better reference the web site on the browsers so that poeple would hit on the name at the A list of every browser,abviously other related web sites are better appearing on the first pages of the browsers once ever the surfer on the net types a keyword exemple:(immigration+canada+maroc....)
and i personally think these web sites are way less valuable than ERABLESATLAS which
occures better updates and fresh information .

i'd gladly like to contribute if needed
wallah mou3in

Salam Dosario
Yes you're right, it's a good idea but I think that you can use already MP (message privé) to accelerate communication between you and other erablistes.
It still a good idea but of this there you can use this precious tool (mp). I use it when it's necessary.
good luck.


Masculin Nombre de messages : 113
Age : 34
Résidence : montréal
Emploi : Fine hiya dik lyame
Statut : ¢a change rien
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2006

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Suggestion to web admins Empty Re: Suggestion to web admins

Message par Invité 22/02/09, 04:51 pm

Yes it's a good idea ..

Just for history, we have added two times livechat module on this forum. The problem is that people didn't use it and it took big space in the home page.

I will try for the third time to add a small google gadget, perhaps this time we will have good participation from all the erablists.

I added again this module in the home page :

Suggestion to web admins Livech10

Your second proposition is very interesting for this forum. We can reach it through google if we use "erableatlas" in the search query and impossible to find forum link in the first page of results after using "immigration+canada+maroc .. ". We use Forumactif referencing tool .. a poor tool that restricts a lot of webmaster functionalities .

We will be happy if you can give us some tips to enlarge our audience.


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Suggestion to web admins Empty Re: Suggestion to web admins

Message par dosario 23/02/09, 01:07 pm

to admin
to improve your web site visitors means to have a better classification on the browser(refernced)
and this is a whole set of Hierarchical instructions and rules to fellow along .
but there few easy steps to consider for a better enhancement ,taking erablesatlas as exmple let's list few tricks that might be helpful to a achieve the aim
1_ a better use of meta datas withing the and tags
trying not to abuse in using keywords that should range around 7 to 10 in max , these names should reflect the real contenent of the context to eable a better scan for browsers engines
(i notices there are more than 17 keywords on the meta tag )
2-use suitable titles for "alt" tags that has a crucial role in better scanning the web site by the search engines resulting suppyling the viewrs with the wib site link in the first or second page of the browers
(i notices some alt tages are missing proprietes alt="?")
3-try to find other partners web site that can post to your web site's link(very important)especially if these partner's web sites are likely to have much viewers.
4-choose perfect titles for web pages that are better reflecting the content of the page.
those are elementary steps to take, but still u may insure a better referencing if the html code is separated from formating tags to keep a clean scripting with a coerant context
probably u may try the asp plateform or php scripting to organise the web site which has tremendous advantages in the level of providing other possiblities to keep tracking your visitors(kookies,sessions, and security features...)
these are few concret steps to take in a way to enhance the performaces of the site and ensure a better place on the browsers but still referencing is regular frustrating work that u may need to go for much often , let's not say impossible if there is a team of web administrators woking behind the sceen.
wallah mou3ain


Masculin Nombre de messages : 8
Age : 49
Résidence : Agadir
Emploi : Self owned
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2008

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Suggestion to web admins Empty Re: Suggestion to web admins

Message par Rachel 23/02/09, 07:06 pm


We're interested in hearing your suggestions for how to enhance our website.

Thanks dosario. We'll take your suggestions (interesting!) into account !


Féminin Nombre de messages : 3463
Age : 49
Résidence : Casablanca
Emploi : RRH
Statut : Visaiste
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2006

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Suggestion to web admins Empty Re: Suggestion to web admins

Message par guess 23/02/09, 07:30 pm

One thing i'd like to suggest is to have people use (as a title)a phrase or a key word that would give an idea on the subject they would like to discuss .Many times i click on titles such as : urgent svp-besoin de vos reponse-help- ......or some words with general or no meaning at all.I don't wanna waste my time clicking on a subject (help) i can't help with or i'm not interested in.Plus i don't see why some erablists open the same subject 3 times under different headings(urgent svp+besoin de vos reponses+enquete).When i go online and and surf the erable page i hardly have time to read the posts i'm interested in so please be more specific when starting a subject.


Masculin Nombre de messages : 341
Date d'inscription : 31/12/2008

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Suggestion to web admins Empty Re: Suggestion to web admins

Message par Invité 23/02/09, 10:05 pm

guess a écrit:One thing i'd like to suggest is to have people use (as a title)a phrase or a key word that would give an idea on the subject they would like to discuss .Many times i click on titles such as : urgent svp-besoin de vos reponse-help- ......or some words with general or no meaning at all.I don't wanna waste my time clicking on a subject (help) i can't help with or i'm not interested in.Plus i don't see why some erablists open the same subject 3 times under different headings(urgent svp+besoin de vos reponses+enquete).When i go online and and surf the erable page i hardly have time to read the posts i'm interested in so please be more specific when starting a subject.

Good idea .. i share it with you ..

Moderators can fix this problem by changing subject tiltes to be more clear for readers.



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Suggestion to web admins Empty Re: Suggestion to web admins

Message par Invité 23/02/09, 10:14 pm

dosario a écrit:to admin
to improve your web site visitors means to have a better classification on the browser(refernced)
and this is a whole set of Hierarchical instructions and rules to fellow along .
but there few easy steps to consider for a better enhancement ,taking erablesatlas as exmple let's list few tricks that might be helpful to a achieve the aim
1_ a better use of meta datas withing the and tags
trying not to abuse in using keywords that should range around 7 to 10 in max , these names should reflect the real contenent of the context to eable a better scan for browsers engines
(i notices there are more than 17 keywords on the meta tag )
2-use suitable titles for "alt" tags that has a crucial role in better scanning the web site by the search engines resulting suppyling the viewrs with the wib site link in the first or second page of the browers
(i notices some alt tages are missing proprietes alt="?")
3-try to find other partners web site that can post to your web site's link(very important)especially if these partner's web sites are likely to have much viewers.
4-choose perfect titles for web pages that are better reflecting the content of the page.
those are elementary steps to take, but still u may insure a better referencing if the html code is separated from formating tags to keep a clean scripting with a coerant context
probably u may try the asp plateform or php scripting to organise the web site which has tremendous advantages in the level of providing other possiblities to keep tracking your visitors(kookies,sessions, and security features...)
these are few concret steps to take in a way to enhance the performaces of the site and ensure a better place on the browsers but still referencing is regular frustrating work that u may need to go for much often , let's not say impossible if there is a team of web administrators woking behind the sceen.
wallah mou3ain

Thx a lot friend ..

I will try to execute some ideas in your message. Some ones are impossible to put in our forum. Because we don't have permissions to modify its source files or database. I contacted the administrator of Forumactif, he told me that all forumatif forums (thousands !!) share the same database and it's impossible to have our self one. The same thing for source files.

You can test that yourself by creating a new Forumactif forum (free) and try to see its administration panel .. a poor one .. like MS word .. you have only the possibility to add gadgets or widgets, modify forums and manage users.

Perhaps, a good solution is to move to our forum with the future portal Maroc-Echecs.

I hope so ..

Thx for your help and interest.


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